Friday, January 28, 2011

Sweet Memories..

Memories.... Isn't this usually all you have left?

And pictures of course... Yes, go ahead and say it i can take some pretty awesome pictures :) Yes i know i am kind of delayed for this post but hey that's okay... These are the people that truly make life worth living i am so grateful to have each and everyone of them in my life. No, they may not live next door or in the same town or even in the same state more like Wisconsin or Oklahoma lol but there my friends and i love them to the fullest..

Whitley Kay I heart you!!!!

Anyways DENVER was a blast we all had a great time meeting new friends and making memories with old ones... Oh and i having bragging rights i was you Reserve Grand Champion Steer at NWSS.....

Yep that's me and Black Betty!!!! Thank you to everyone for making this a dream come true it was an amazing feeling that i will remember for the rest of my life..

The Brown place hotel was amazing.. I'm so grateful Brock and i got to share this experience together..

This girl right here followed her dreams. So go ahead everyone

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What do you take for granted?

The smallest things in life give me the greatest inspireations. Things most people just over look and don't find them in your everyday life. I try to look for these things everyday and see the good in them. I wonder sometimes how many things in life do we actually take for granted each day. ALOT im sure!!

Like feet puppy and people feet... Yeah i know there just feet to most but to some they could change someones whole world.. I mean think about it what if you woke up tomorrow without any how would it change your life? Not only your looks but the changelles you would have to go threw each day.
So thank you, Thank you god for smelly feet haha

To most people this is just a diamond braclet but to me this means the world.
That he took the time to pick this out for me.

Small things always mean the most!!

.Faith Hope and Love.

So i Ask you what have you been taking for granted?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hope in a Jar....

Today I look for hope, the kind of hope that could change things. Big Things!!! Those Buckles are hope to me hope in a jar. That hope changes things and that kind of hope is what i am looking for this year!!

So I have decided that everything that happens in life is usually left up to God and this time i plan on leaving everything in his hands. I'll do my best and let God do the rest.

Anyways we leave for Denver in 6 more days!!! Yup and im pretty pumped, i mean like that little kid waking up on Christmas morning kind of PUMPED!!

Suitcases packed and we are off!!!

But one thing is forsure i am going to miss sadie very very much she followed me around all day while i was packing. It was so sad that she knows im leaving.

I can't wait to see what all this new year has to offer so once again BRING IN ON 2011!!!
Good Luck to everyone at NWSS this year!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Learning New Things and Taking On New Challenges

I can't believe that 2010 is already over. It has truly been one wild and crazy ride, i have learned more about life this year than one person can possibly learn in 10!!!

I first should truly thank god for all the things he has given me this past year. Some of them i think he just threw at me from left field just to simply see how i would react to them, But others not always bad but truly wonderful things he has blessed me with so Thank you, Thank you God for showing me the true meanings of life and love.

I know in this new year to come there will be curves just like this road outside my house and yes I'm sure there will be pot holes and bumps as well , But when i sit here and think to myself every bump, curve and pot hole always seem to teach us something. I am truly very interested to find out what god has in store for my life not only in this new year but for the rest of my life.

Most of all I cant wait to see what this little boy will teach me this year!! Sometimes i wonder why things happen to certain people and not others (i plan on asking God that one day) because i truly just do not understand why is precious face has to go through so much just to get threw the day. He is truly my sunshine on a rainy day and i love him with all my heart.

As a year closes and another one begins i look back on all the special things that have happened and in the end life is just footprints in the sand, cold, sandy, rocky, hot and sunny, you never know what your gonna get!!

Be grateful for the simple things you take for granted every day because one they just might not be there anymore..

Love and Light Kaiti
Bring it on 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!