Wednesday, September 15, 2010


As I was on my way to Austin to the doctor with my youngest brother kolt about the only thing I was worried about was what my outfit would be to wear to the pig sale or if I was leaving for califorina on saterday.. Hmmm I have alot to worry about... NOT!!! We pulled up to a stop sign and I see a homeless lady and her two children asking for money and then I thought here I am worrying about my outfits and my trip to Cali. The only thing they were worrying about was if they were going to eat today. Then as I walk through those big glass doors to the Nero office I really started to think how unreal is this world we live in. As I looked Around all I saw was little kids waiting for someone to tell them why they look diffrent or why they can't talk and a girl about my age with downsyndrom. I just kept thinking how lucky I am to be standing here today as the rest of the world calls "normal" i mean what exactually is "normal" ? I don't think I will ever understand "normal" but all I can see when I look at kolt his him saying love me love me for who he is and look past his differentaces and love him for kolt and not what the rest of the world considers "normal". I guess what I'm trying to say is live everyday like your last and don't look at people differently because they might not be like everyone else. They want to be loved just as much as you!!

Love and light

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