Sunday, December 19, 2010

Little things...

I know what your all sitting here thinking I'm about to post something about Christmas. Actually I'm not... because today i feel like Christmas isn't about Santa Claus and Christmas lights, it's about family, friends, and well wet puppy kisses. Don't get me wrong I'm all for Christmas lights and Santa Claus but right now it just doesn't seem like the true meaning of Christmas. I'm sure ill take some super cutie pictures of Christmas things and post them in a few days and have a totally different look on it but right now I'm going to share a few things that right now SCREAM the small things in life that mean the most in life......

Yes, a sun set and a beautiful one at that... When i look at this i simply think of heaven...

I mean really if this is the most of heaven we get to see on earth i can't wait to see the real thing!!

Like I said before Little things...

There what makes life worth living!!!!

These are the simple things that truly make me the happiest person alive..
I love these two people more than life its self and most people see her as just a puppy but no
to me she is a person a wonderful blue eyed person that may just be a little fluffier than the rest.
I love you Sadie!!

And Family...

So I'm Asking You what are your small things in life this Christmas??

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today, i am very grateful for the small things... fluffy steers that when the wind blows so does there hair, being blessed to be healthy and for the nutcracker market. A family that i can go to for anything in the world and know they will always be there. So as i sit here and tell you just what i am grateful for today, i want you to sit here and think to your self about the small things and how everyday you are blessed to be here. just how important everyday truly really is.
Kisses they are small things but everytime i look at this picture it makes me smile... So again i ask you what makes you smile today??

last but not least Family!!!!

Love and Light

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Learning life lessons and growing up...

Do you remember that one friend you had in grade school, that you could tell all your secrets too and you always knew that they would be there for you no matter what? How you always thought they would be around forever and now it hard to even remember there name. You see this happens a lot in life some sooner than others but eventually it always comes a time when this happens to all of us, Not always just in grade school but in your adult life as well. How you can walk right past some and act like they where never a big part of your life.. You see this has happened to me a few times in the last few years. Some seem to hurt a lot worse than others. Some how life throws you curve balls or even a dead end at the end of the road, but lately it seems that this has been happening more and more. I guess each time it happens i accept the fact that you can love everyone but trust no one. I never thought that i would actually admit that fact but today I'm just taking a deep breath holding in the tears and letting it all go. I'm accepting that no one is perfect and not everyone thinks about how there actions will affect someone else, and maybe just maybe they don't even care. So Cherish the ones you have that actually care and tell the rest to hit the road because in all truths they probley weren't worth your time in the first place.....

Love and Light

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Goal!!!

Well I'm not too sure how this will work out but we are going to try this.. I Kaiti have decided that I am Going to give my undivided attention to 1 and only one thing and that is to read this book i have just recently bought and try to put it to use into my everyday life!!! It takes 30 days to complete and I can't wait to see how the results turn out.. first of all the book is called Love At Last Sight!!! You pretty much have 30 days to deepen your relationships and try to work towards improving them!!! So that instead of having love at first sight you will have love at last sight!!! I am going to attempt to post almost everyday lol But we will see how that goes as well... Wish me luck and if you would like to read along the book is Love at Last Sight by Chris and Kerry Shook... Happy reading

Love and Light

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


As I was on my way to Austin to the doctor with my youngest brother kolt about the only thing I was worried about was what my outfit would be to wear to the pig sale or if I was leaving for califorina on saterday.. Hmmm I have alot to worry about... NOT!!! We pulled up to a stop sign and I see a homeless lady and her two children asking for money and then I thought here I am worrying about my outfits and my trip to Cali. The only thing they were worrying about was if they were going to eat today. Then as I walk through those big glass doors to the Nero office I really started to think how unreal is this world we live in. As I looked Around all I saw was little kids waiting for someone to tell them why they look diffrent or why they can't talk and a girl about my age with downsyndrom. I just kept thinking how lucky I am to be standing here today as the rest of the world calls "normal" i mean what exactually is "normal" ? I don't think I will ever understand "normal" but all I can see when I look at kolt his him saying love me love me for who he is and look past his differentaces and love him for kolt and not what the rest of the world considers "normal". I guess what I'm trying to say is live everyday like your last and don't look at people differently because they might not be like everyone else. They want to be loved just as much as you!!

Love and light

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life as a girlfriend of a hog jock!!!

Sorry it has been a while since i have written. Soo much has happened in these last few weeks
I just got home from a few day in the large town of Bullard!! It was good to get away from everything for a few days and help the "hg" get ready for the big pig sale. I swear I have learned more about show pigs in the last year than I would have ever thought I would have learned in my Whole life!! I can now say I am a pro at boxing up refresh lol well with a little help from the "hg" that is ha ha. I am pretty excited about the sale and can't wait to meet everyone. I can't believe in just a few days the "hg" and i will have been together one year ;) I can't wait to spend many more with him and to see what else the lord has in store for our lives together... Yeah I know you are sitting here reading this about to puke lol but I love him what more can I say :) I hope everyone is having a fantastic week..

Love and light

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wow.. Blogs!!!

Hmmm where do I begin... Well I have never really considered myself to be a "BLOGGING" kind of person, I usually just find myself reading everyone Else's lol. But today is the day I decided to join the blogging family :) So First i guess i should tell you a little about me, I might as well warn you now that I can't spell to save my life and hate writing in complete sentences so sorry in advance for that one. My family and friends are very important to me, my Mother is my rock and i have one very amazing boyfriend the "Pig God" and for anyone who knows me will know why he is called that. The other person i am about to tell you about is"The College Girl" she is what most people call that one friend we all have that is wild and crazy and lives life to the fullest. Well you'll call her wild and crazy but me i call her my best friend!!!! This is just a little Peace of what is yet to come (plus its time to turn out the steers haha) i could keep writing for hours but you all would prolly get bored and my steers would get very hungry so until next time...........

 Love in Light